Privacy Police

VHM (Vítor Hugo - Coordenação & Gestão de Projecto S.A.) prepares this Privacy Policy in order to demonstrate its commitment, transparency and respect for the privacy and personal data protection rules provided for in the legislation in force on the protection and processing of personal data, namely REGULATION (EU) 2016/679 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 27 April 2016 (GDPR), in its current version, relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data, as well as the related legislation that will internally densify and complement it.

This Privacy Policy is applicable to all personal data processing processes carried out under the supervision and responsibility of VHM.

The VHM website assures its users privacy and security in the data provided for the various services available, and only the data necessary for the provision of the service is requested and collected in accordance with the explicit indications on the website, namely, in the terms and conditions of use and the user's options.

1. What is personal data?

Personal data is any information, of any nature and on any medium (physical, sound or image), relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. An identifiable person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, such as by name, identification number, location data, electronic identifiers or other specific elements of physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity that allow the identification of that natural person to be identified.

2. What does the processing of personal data consist of?

In general, the VHM Site can be visited without having to reveal any personal information. However, there is an area of the website where the user can provide their personal data in order to enjoy the services provided, specifically, contact request, subscription to our newsletter and also, within the scope of spontaneous applications and recruitment processes. VHM is covered by an obligation of confidentiality in relation to the data to which it has access within the scope of the operations of its computer base, and is duly informed of the importance of complying with the legal duty of secrecy, and is responsible for complying with this obligation of confidentiality. The data provided by users will only be used in the performance of the service or request, selected by you, for which they were provided, and will not be used to send information unrelated to VHM's activity and services.

3. Qual o fundamento jurídico e com que finalidades são tratados os dados pessoais?

A VHM apenas trata dados pessoais quando exista fundamento jurídico que o justifique.
Os fundamentos jurídicos para o tratamento de dados pessoais de clientes, fornecedores e parceiros são a execução de contrato e o cumprimento de obrigações jurídicas, conforme previsto nas alíneas b) e c) do artigo 6.o do RGPD.

4. Quais são os direitos dos Titulares de dados pessoais?

Nos termos da legislação vigente em matéria de proteção dos dados pessoais, informamos que são garantidos ao titular dos dados, o direito de ser informado; o direito de acesso aos dados pessoais; o direito de corrigir, apagar e bloquear os dados pessoais facultados; o direito à limitação; o direito à remoção dos seus dados; o direito à portabilidade dos seus dados.

5. Quem é o responsável pelo tratamento dos dados pessoais?

O responsável pela recolha e tratamento dos dados pessoais será a VHM, que nesse âmbito decide quais os dados recolhidos, meios de tratamento e finalidades para que os dados são usados.

3. What is the legal basis and for what purposes is personal data processed?

VHM only processes personal data when there is a legal basis for doing so.

• Monitor the compliance of data processing with applicable regulations;
• It is a point of contact with the User for clarification of issues related to the processing of their data by VHM;
• Cooperate with the regulatory authority;
• Provides information and advises the data controller or the subcontractor about their obligations regarding privacy and data protection.

7. How can I contact the Data Protection Officer?

The exercise of rights by the holders can be done through the email address, as well as by postal mail, addressing a letter to VHM with the following information:

Subject: Exercise of rights - protection of personal data

A/C: Privacy VHM
Rua de Júlio Dinis, No. 242, P. 2, Room 205
4050-318 PORTO

8. To whom are personal data transmitted?

The personal data collected from the VHM website is not transmitted to third parties, unless it is necessary to fulfill legal obligations. There may be the transmission of personal data between the internal departments of VHM for the purposes of responding to contact requests, recruitment, and marketing communications.

9. For how long are personal data retained?

only retains personal data in a manner that allows for the identification of data subjects for the period necessary for the purposes for which they are processed, without prejudice to the need for retention for longer periods for the purpose of fulfilling legal obligations.

In particular, personal data is deleted after:

a) 6 months from the submission of the request, without any subsequent contact, in the case of contact requests;

b) 2 years from the date of obtaining consent, in the case of personal data collected from newsletter subscriptions;

c) 5 years, in the case of personal data collected from applications;

10. How is data security guaranteed?

VHM commits to implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure and demonstrate that the processing is carried out in accordance with the GDPR, taking into account the nature, scope, context, and purposes of the data processing, as well as the risks to the rights and freedoms of individuals, whose likelihood and severity may vary.